1.While the amount of work using optimized local adapters varies, you have the ability to control how much tracing is captured.
2.Here your advisor may be able to help you beef up the idea into something that's an appropriate amount of work.
3.You will be surprised at how much you can actually do to extend the product with a minimal amount of work.
4.More commonly, though, a broadcast receiver is just a "gateway" to other components and is intended to do a very minimal amount of work.
5.I would like the amount of work to be proportional to the income, and for the company to give important positions to people with aptitude.
6.EV indicates how much of the budget and time should have been spent, with regards to the amount of work done to date.
7.The stacks of paper bore witness to a huge amount of work waiting to be done, even though I had been working seven days a week.
8.There was a tremendous amount of work to get all that working right .
9.At least, the amount of work seems to increase.
10.He left a respectable amount of work and a stack of unpublished manuscripts made more marketable by the fact of his death.